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Self-Discovery while Studying Abroad in Florence, 意大利

February 12, 2024
by CEA CAPA Content Creator
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a study abroad student posing for picture

My Journey of Self-Discovery while Studying Abroad in 意大利 

Studying abroad in the enchanting city of Florence, 意大利, 这不仅仅是一次学术上的努力,也是一次重塑我认知的奥德赛, challenged my assumptions, and ultimately led to a profound journey of self-discovery. In this comprehensive exploration, I'll delve into the multifaceted layers of my study abroad experience, encapsulating the financial intricacies, the transformative shifts in identity, the nuances of social dynamics, and the invaluable emphasis on mental health and well-being.  

Full moon in the sky over a statue

The most beautiful sunset views in Florence.

Financial Considerations:  

As I eagerly prepared for my journey in Florence, 财务方面的考虑成为一个关键方面,我希望在开始这次冒险之前能更深入地研究一下. Being on a tight budget, 了解航班价格的细微差别和机场的最佳选择有了新的意义. Florence, with its picturesque surroundings and cultural riches, boasts a small airport that, to my surprise, 与附近其他替代方案相比,产生了明显更高的成本.


The leather markets were one of the prettiest p艺术s of Florence.

这里的教训很清楚——对交通成本进行细致的研究,战略性地选择最省钱的方案,可以减轻不必要的经济负担, ensuring a smoother transition into the realm of study abroad.

A street vendor selling 艺术

The 艺术ists outside of the Duomo were one of my favorite p艺术s.

Florence itself, often hailed as the birthplace of the Renaissance, presented a mesmerizing tapestry of history, 艺术, and culture. The cobbled streets, adorned with centuries-old architecture, became the backdrop of my daily exploration. From the iconic Florence Cathedral, with its stunning dome designed by Brunelleschi, to the Uffizi Gallery, housing masterpieces by Botticelli and Michelangelo, 这座城市本身成为我学术和个人旅程中不可或缺的一部分.  

a group of people walking in a city center

CEA CAPA Florence Center where I took classes.

Identity and Sense of Self:   

这对我的身份和自我意识的影响可能是宝博体育最具变革性的方面. As I immersed myself in the vibrant tapestry of Italian culture, my home country st艺术ed to feel like a distant memory. 佛罗伦萨丰富的历史和文艺复兴时期显而易见的艺术遗产令人着迷, leading to profound introspection about where I truly belonged. 家里的舒适和国外新生活的诱惑之间的对比成为我日常经历中不断的暗流. Homesickness这对那些宝博体育的人来说是一个意想不到的障碍. 然而, as the weeks unfolded, the bustling markets, the aroma of freshly brewed espresso, and the camaraderie of fellow students created a sense of belonging. Overcoming homesickness was a testament to resilience and adaptability, 这些品质不仅在留学的背景下,而且在更广泛的生活本身中都是无价的. 佛罗伦萨以其热情好客的氛围在这一过程中发挥了至关重要的作用.

A street with lights and umbrellas

My walk home from classes everyday.

The local trattorias, where I indulged in delectable Tuscan cuisine, 不仅成为品尝正宗风味的地方,也是建立联系和创造持久记忆的空间. The city's timeless beauty provided a backdrop for self-discovery, 鼓励我接受我的根和在这个文化天堂的新经历的融合.  

a street with people and buildings

Another glimpse of my daily walk home from class.

Social Dynamics: 

The social landscape, often overlooked in the grand tapestry of studying abroad, unfolded as a labyrinth of challenges and opportunities. 事实证明,选择住在没有室友的Social Hub酒店是一个独特的选择. 然而, 我很快意识到,很多学生来的时候已经有了预先建立的朋友圈,或者很快就和室友建立了联系, 这让那些没有这种内在社会结构的人面临着潜在的障碍. 在错综复杂的交友过程中摸索方向,成为我留学经历中令人心潮起伏的一个方面. 没有室友的生活意味着建立联系的传统途径不容易获得. 然而, 然而,由CEA CAPA组织的结合练习中出现了一线希望, the organization facilitating my study abroad program. These activities, ranging from cultural excursions to team-building events, served as bridges, connecting me with fellow students and fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Florence, with its communal spirit, facilitated these connections. The lively piazzas, 在那里,当地人和学生们都聚集在一起,晚上散步,进行生动的交谈, 为建立超越学术范围的友谊提供了一个背景. 城市的热情拥抱鼓励了开放和文化交流的感觉, enriching the fabric of my social experiences.  

sunset over a bridge and water

Another picturesque Italian sunset.

Mental 健康 and Well-being:  

In the whirlwind of navigating a foreign environment, health and wellness emerged as a cornerstone of a successful study abroad experience. CEA CAPA的模范支持系统发挥了关键作用,特别是当疾病袭来时. They efficiently connected me with local healthcare professionals, ensuring that I received prompt and quality medical attention. Mental health这是留学话语中经常被忽视的一个方面,它得到了应有的考虑. CEA CAPA provided mental health services, 认识到整体福祉在每个学生的学术和个人旅程的重要性.

a study abroad student hiking

Exploring the outdoors in 意大利.

Additionally, the accommodation itself, beyond being a temporary home, included a gym that was free of charge. 这个增加的维度不仅有助于身体健康,也提供了日常恢复活力的空间. Florence, with its emphasis on a balanced lifestyle, 将健康和幸福无缝地融入日常生活. The city's abundance of outdoor spaces, from the Boboli Gardens to the banks of the Arno River, became sanctuaries for quiet contemplation and rejuvenation. The inclusion of a gym in the accommodation, complemented by the availability of free workout classes, 这反映了佛罗伦萨致力于培养全面健康的留学经历.  

A blue lake surrounded by trees

Quiet place for contemplation and rejuvenation.

当我回想起我在佛罗伦萨的留学之旅时,一场经历的交响乐来到了生活中. The financial intricacies, the transformative shifts in identity, the dance of social dynamics, 对健康和福祉的重视共同构成了经济增长的挂毯, resilience, and cultural immersion. Florence, with its timeless allure and welcoming embrace, 它不仅是我学术追求的舞台,也是我个人发展叙事的积极参与者. To future study abroad enthusiasts, 我提出这些思考,不仅是作为对国际学术界所面临挑战的深刻见解,也是作为一种邀请,让你们品味未知的丰富性. 拥抱佛罗伦萨的魅力,在友谊的迷宫中穿行,优先考虑你的幸福. 让你在这个文化天堂的留学之旅成为一次变革的奥德赛,在你的学术和个人轨迹上留下不可磨灭的印记. 


Colleen Young, CEA CAPA校友内部人士,曾在意大利佛罗伦萨留学.

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