


CEA CAPA 马德里,西班牙 目录




西尔维亚马丁内斯 ensures that all CEA CAPA standards are maintained in 马德里. Silvia oversees all educational programs, including short- and long-term program planning, 产品, 和服务, and maintains the financial plan for 马德里. She also manages student services, 接收院校关系, 本地供应商关系, 程序的改进, 和工作人员.

西尔维娅出生于Cádiz, 西班牙南部, but has always had close contact with the American culture and the English language. 她住在美国.S. Naval Base for two years and has many relatives in the U.S. Silvia has studied and worked in 西班牙, 英格兰, and Canada in the fields of administration, 旅游, 宝博体育. She interned at an Irish Building Society in 伦敦 and worked in a Canadian study abroad company leading groups of Spanish students in Toronto.

Before joining CEA CAPA in 2002, Silvia worked at the North American Universities and 机构s Centre at the University of Alcalá de Henares for two years.

She holds a degree in Tourism Management from the Univeristy of Alcalá. Silvia speaks Spanish and English fluently and has studied French and German for several years.

Alicia de la Peña Portero

Dr. Alicia de la Peña is the Director of 学术事务 in the CEA CAPA 马德里 Center. She is responsible for the administration and supervision of all academic aspects of 马德里 programs including curriculum development, 遵守学术政策, faculty training and students’ guidance. Alicia has worked in higher education for over 25 years, both as a professor and in different managing positions such as Director of Professional and International Projection and Director of Modern Languages Institute for Nebrija Univerity (马德里) or Resident Program Coordinator for CIEE 马德里. She gained her doctorate in Education from Autónoma de 马德里 University for her research on academic literacy, 协作写作, 形成性评价. Alicia’s educational background also includes two M.A. 来自内布里哈大学, one in the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language and another in Applied Linguistics, 和B.A. in English Philology from Autónoma de 马德里 University. She was 10 years old when she had her first life-changing study abroad experience in 爱尔兰; then Canada and US followed. Alicia strongly believes that experiencing different places and cultures is essential to gain global perspective, improve self-knowledge and foster personal and professional development.



阿尔瓦罗·J. Sanjuan
宝博体育 & 学生服务协调员

阿尔瓦罗·J. Sanjuan studied English 文学, History and Linguistics at University of Oviedo (西班牙) and continued his studies on Applied Languages at 都柏林 City University (爱尔兰). After being an Art History professor in UNIPEC in Burgos (西班牙) he worked as Web Manager and Community Manager until he began to collaborate for several years as a tour guide with CEA CAPA 马德里 where, 最终, he became Student Services 顾问 in 2016 and 宝博体育 Coordinator in 2022. 除了他的作品, he has conducted research on the history of the LGTBQ+ community and authored a book titled "Grandes Maricas de la Historia," which was published by Penguin Random House in 2022. He loves arts, history, opera and classical music and also running and outdoor sports.

Angi Díaz passirez

在加入CEA CAPA之前, Angi worked in the 旅游 sector in different cities and countries, where she gained experience in the fields of housing and customer service. Angi holds a Bachelor's degree in Tourism from the Universidad de Cádiz (西班牙). She spent the last year of the degree studying in Portugal with the Erasmus Program. She also lived in Scotland for four years, where she learned English and had the chance to discover and learn from people from all over the world. She is a kind, friendly, and responsible person that loves travelling, nature, and outdoor sports.

Dana is a California-born 马德里 resident of 18 years, and having gotten to know 马德里 for the first time through a CEA CAPA program, is in a unique position to provide the best experience for students while sharing real-life tips on what it’s like to get adjusted to life in 西班牙. As a former language teacher and lifelong language learner, Dana hopes to motivate students to not be afraid to challenge themselves while they are studying abroad. Dana is married with two children and loves to cycle and travel. 
丹妮拉一个. Collazos Galindo

Daniela Collazos is the Program Assitant in the CEA CAPA 马德里 Center. Daniela performs all duties related to office services and provides informative documentation to guide and assist students to adapt and enjoy the city and the culture. She also assists in all aspects involved in the execution of students’ arrival, 远足, questions related to health matters, 文化活动. Daniela gained her Master's degree in Language, 读写能力, and Sociocultural Studies at the University of New Mexico. 在移居西班牙之前, she spent her last 9 years living in Albuquerque, New Mexico as an international student, where 5 of those 9 years she worked at the UNM Global Education Office designing and implementing short-term programs for international students with multiple backgrounds, including indigenous students from Mexico and Fulbright Fellows from 阿根廷 & 哥伦比亚.

Marta Pacho Ásgeirsdóttir

Marta’s role is to give housing accommodation to students, intermediate between providers and students, 改善住房选择, and follow up on students' housing experiences. 另外, the 住房 Department organizes activities within 马德里's neighborhoods to improve students' experiences, helping them to know more about the city and the culture. They also help other departments in carrying out cultural activities.

Marta has a degree in Art History from Universidad Complutense of 马德里. Her fields of interest are museums, 文化遗产, 和建筑, fields in which she has specialized through various courses. She studied abroad two semesters, one in Denmark and one at Wesleyan University, where she performed the role of Teaching Assistant for a Spanish course. She also collaborated with study abroad programs from Dartmouth College. Born in Reykjavik and raised in 马德里, her identity is a mix of the two cultures: Spanish and Icelandic. 她喜欢旅行。, 参观博物馆, exploring 文化遗产 and gastronomy, and practicing different sports, 比如跑步.

Senior 学生服务助理

Miguel coordinates activities such as cooking classes, museums and official buildings visits, 足球比赛, 弗拉门戈表演等等, including trips to major cultural cities such as Sevilla or Toledo to ensure that students have a rich experience while in 马德里. Miguel is native to 马德里 but worked and studied abroad in the United States for eight years. In those years he obtained a B.A. in 国际关系 and Sociology/Anthropology and studied abroad in 智利 and Central America. During this time he learned the great impact studying abroad has for a students personal growth and development. His experiences abroad have motivated him to help others to have the possible experience abroad through.

Academic and Career and 宝博体育 Coordinator
维多利亚是雅典人, GA, and a graduate of the University of Georgia, from which she graduated in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in 沟通 Studies. Her spark for an abroad experience was lit in primary school when a student teacher taught her class French. From there, Victoria hoped to pursue a life that was outside of her hometown. 在高中时, she embarked on a study abroad adventure with her history class and served as a volunteer abroad in Cardiff, 威尔士, 整整两个夏天. After finishing her studies at UGA, Victoria taught English in South Korea for three years and learned some survival Korean. Later she moved to 马德里, a city she has called home away from home for the last five years. Through her international work she became interested in promoting global engagement at home as well as abroad with an overall hope of making global experiences more accessible for diverse populations. 在她空闲的时候, Victoria can be found relaxing in a park and enjoying the company of friends she has come to call family in her new home. 

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